Monday, February 25, 2013

message to all pit bull lover.

please take the time out to watch this message, all dog lover's and animal lover please watch and give me some feed back.

Lady Gaga is growing up

I am proud and sad to say that lady gaga is about to have her first heat.  I cant believe it she was just a little baby a couple of months ago.  Dont worry I will not be breeding her ill just get her a steak when her first drip hits the floor.  You would think this kind of stuff would be for a woman but hey, like Busta said I love my bitch.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

So im hoping that in the morning this beautiful male is breeds my female corso.. He is an amazing lookg dog not to mention he has champion blood in him.  Under 24 hours I shall own His dna. Peace.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cane corso puppy for sale.

So a while ago I had given a friend of mine a Female puppy Corso by the name of Nala, with an agreement that when she got older and breed her with his male he would return a puppy to me free.  I just received her a couple of days ago and she is beautiful.  Now Me my self have 4 dogs to many so dont have room for another dog..  She is for sale 7 week of age  if you may be interested please contact me asap.  518-258-7406.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

All but one puppy gone

So yesterday we got rid of our 9th puppy out of 10.  It feels so good not have to clean 30 piles of scat a day. Now i just have to clean two or three.  All of the puppies went to great homes and send us pics of them growing that i will be proud to post in a couple of days.  Im sure haze is also happy she does not have to clean up or feed 10 puppies.  until next time it's a doggies world.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cane corso's going wild.

Here is how my dogs start there mornings, running around the yard.